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Author Topic: Drawing  (Read 28126 times)
Sage Mentor......... (renowned for profound wisdom)
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« Reply #260 on: December 04, 2013, 03:23:06 pm »

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The dream is free.. the work to achieve it is sold separately.
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« Reply #261 on: December 08, 2013, 01:12:59 pm »

Today I started trying to draw people from behind. You have to draw the head totally differently, it's a lot harder than I thought.
I should also start practicing drawing males. It's the eyes that are tricky for them...
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Quote from: Albert Einstein
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« Reply #262 on: December 08, 2013, 04:56:04 pm »

How are the eyes trickier than females? =P
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I'm a girl - I'm a lesbian.

-==Blade's Story Library==-
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Blade is laughing ominously RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
The forum is a girl? 0_o
I imagine new people coming to the forum expecting to see discussion about LEGO, only to see RPGs full of deranged characters and insane people talking about cheese and brains.
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So, you're a vegetable? Tongue
The Truth
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« Reply #263 on: December 08, 2013, 05:06:28 pm »

They're smaller, so they're harder to get right.
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Quote from: Albert Einstein
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
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Other characters: Ullonit (Agent), Ka'laana (Consular), Hasko (Trooper), Vítrial (Warrior), Massacha (Smuggler), Nassius (Bounty Hunter), Liralee (Knight).
The Truth
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« Reply #264 on: December 17, 2013, 01:36:34 am »

Who should I draw next? Options:

Flower Garden 2/3 characters:
Nami Korukawa
Leila Otomo
Misu and Leila together (likely will be Leila hugging Misu or something)

RPG Characters:
The White Woman
Emily RGB
Drone-Tan (Zeze)

EDIT: Also, I chose a name for the "Generic Girl." I'm naming her Nova Celestine.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 01:40:06 am by The Truth » Report Spam   Logged

Quote from: Albert Einstein
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
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« Reply #265 on: December 17, 2013, 07:38:42 am »

Option e: Sam. =P

In seriousness, probably Emily or Leila and Misu.
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I'm a girl - I'm a lesbian.

-==Blade's Story Library==-
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Blade is laughing ominously RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
The forum is a girl? 0_o
I imagine new people coming to the forum expecting to see discussion about LEGO, only to see RPGs full of deranged characters and insane people talking about cheese and brains.
I'm beet. I don't think I'll do homework tonight.
So, you're a vegetable? Tongue
Sage Mentor......... (renowned for profound wisdom)
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« Reply #266 on: December 17, 2013, 02:14:35 pm »

I think it works best if you draw what calls to you to be drawn...
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The dream is free.. the work to achieve it is sold separately.
OOC: An OOC expression of horror would confirm your humanity nicely. Wink
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The Truth
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« Reply #267 on: December 23, 2013, 04:40:37 pm »

One of my friends did an amazing drawing of Ravidjenya and Visra.
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Quote from: Albert Einstein
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Try SWTOR free via this link and we both get prizes.

SWTOR info:
Server: The Harbinger. Name: Pythirr.
Class: Sith Inquisitor (Assassin). Alignment: Light Side V.
Level: 60! Legacy level: 50. Current planet:  Yavin IV dailies. Current OP: The Ravagers. Legacy Surname: Falton
Collector's Edition, VIP, Founder, PTS 1.2 and 1.3, RotHC Pre-order, , SOR Beta Tester, and Pre-Order player.
Other characters: Ullonit (Agent), Ka'laana (Consular), Hasko (Trooper), Vítrial (Warrior), Massacha (Smuggler), Nassius (Bounty Hunter), Liralee (Knight).
The Truth
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« Reply #268 on: December 30, 2013, 10:03:30 pm »

didn't quite finish it, still need to be coloured, and the scanner cut off part of it, but here's my late Christmas sketch.
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Quote from: Albert Einstein
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Try SWTOR free via this link and we both get prizes.

SWTOR info:
Server: The Harbinger. Name: Pythirr.
Class: Sith Inquisitor (Assassin). Alignment: Light Side V.
Level: 60! Legacy level: 50. Current planet:  Yavin IV dailies. Current OP: The Ravagers. Legacy Surname: Falton
Collector's Edition, VIP, Founder, PTS 1.2 and 1.3, RotHC Pre-order, , SOR Beta Tester, and Pre-Order player.
Other characters: Ullonit (Agent), Ka'laana (Consular), Hasko (Trooper), Vítrial (Warrior), Massacha (Smuggler), Nassius (Bounty Hunter), Liralee (Knight).
Sage Mentor......... (renowned for profound wisdom)
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« Reply #269 on: December 31, 2013, 03:51:05 am »

Nice... odd gift tho.
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The dream is free.. the work to achieve it is sold separately.
OOC: An OOC expression of horror would confirm your humanity nicely. Wink
MLNO.  The only forum I know where expressions like the one above are commonplace. Tongue
Everyone is frustrating in their own special way.
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it." ♥
"If you're not havin a good day, change your mind!!"
The Truth
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« Reply #270 on: December 31, 2013, 04:26:11 pm »

Well, this is Leila we're talking her, the gift probably seemed like a good idea. Tongue
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Quote from: Albert Einstein
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Try SWTOR free via this link and we both get prizes.

SWTOR info:
Server: The Harbinger. Name: Pythirr.
Class: Sith Inquisitor (Assassin). Alignment: Light Side V.
Level: 60! Legacy level: 50. Current planet:  Yavin IV dailies. Current OP: The Ravagers. Legacy Surname: Falton
Collector's Edition, VIP, Founder, PTS 1.2 and 1.3, RotHC Pre-order, , SOR Beta Tester, and Pre-Order player.
Other characters: Ullonit (Agent), Ka'laana (Consular), Hasko (Trooper), Vítrial (Warrior), Massacha (Smuggler), Nassius (Bounty Hunter), Liralee (Knight).
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« Reply #271 on: January 09, 2014, 03:31:12 am »

A few I did awhile back last summer. For people that know Steins Gate or appreciate a few old sketches of mine haha.

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My Deviant check out my Art!<br /><br />2nd place in KF\'s Contest #6: MLN Avatars
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« Reply #272 on: January 09, 2014, 09:06:46 am »

That is awesome. =O
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I'm a girl - I'm a lesbian.

-==Blade's Story Library==-
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Blade is laughing ominously RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
The forum is a girl? 0_o
I imagine new people coming to the forum expecting to see discussion about LEGO, only to see RPGs full of deranged characters and insane people talking about cheese and brains.
I'm beet. I don't think I'll do homework tonight.
So, you're a vegetable? Tongue
Sage Mentor......... (renowned for profound wisdom)
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« Reply #273 on: January 09, 2014, 09:56:43 pm »

Fabulous Korchi!
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The dream is free.. the work to achieve it is sold separately.
OOC: An OOC expression of horror would confirm your humanity nicely. Wink
MLNO.  The only forum I know where expressions like the one above are commonplace. Tongue
Everyone is frustrating in their own special way.
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it." ♥
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« Reply #274 on: January 11, 2014, 12:38:10 am »

Thanks, I was particularly proud with these few and tried extra hard since they come from a series I like very much haha.
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My Deviant check out my Art!<br /><br />2nd place in KF\'s Contest #6: MLN Avatars
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« Reply #275 on: January 11, 2014, 01:24:53 am »

Well, you definitely did a very good job on that, that's for sure. =D
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I'm a girl - I'm a lesbian.

-==Blade's Story Library==-
-==Blade's RPG Library==-
A fresh start for the signature, aside for the libraries.

Blade is laughing ominously RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
The forum is a girl? 0_o
I imagine new people coming to the forum expecting to see discussion about LEGO, only to see RPGs full of deranged characters and insane people talking about cheese and brains.
I'm beet. I don't think I'll do homework tonight.
So, you're a vegetable? Tongue

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« Reply #276 on: January 14, 2014, 12:36:08 am »

^Nice drawings!

And I logged into my DeviantART account for the first time in... I don't know how long. Maybe I should start uploading stuff again.
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« Reply #277 on: January 15, 2014, 12:18:43 am »

^Nice drawings!

And I logged into my DeviantART account for the first time in... I don't know how long. Maybe I should start uploading stuff again.

Thanks, yeah I like to log on now and again. I would like to start uploading again. Its been a long time.
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My Deviant check out my Art!<br /><br />2nd place in KF\'s Contest #6: MLN Avatars
The Truth
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« Reply #278 on: January 15, 2014, 06:47:55 pm »

Here's one I did over Christmas break, of minor Flower Garden 2/3 character Jennifer Keinz:

After this I'm planning on sketches of Nuke-tan and Zeze, then Nami and Haley.
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Quote from: Albert Einstein
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
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SWTOR info:
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Collector's Edition, VIP, Founder, PTS 1.2 and 1.3, RotHC Pre-order, , SOR Beta Tester, and Pre-Order player.
Other characters: Ullonit (Agent), Ka'laana (Consular), Hasko (Trooper), Vítrial (Warrior), Massacha (Smuggler), Nassius (Bounty Hunter), Liralee (Knight).
The Truth
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« Reply #279 on: January 16, 2014, 04:18:24 pm »

Finally got around to coloring the Christmas sketch.

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Quote from: Albert Einstein
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Try SWTOR free via this link and we both get prizes.

SWTOR info:
Server: The Harbinger. Name: Pythirr.
Class: Sith Inquisitor (Assassin). Alignment: Light Side V.
Level: 60! Legacy level: 50. Current planet:  Yavin IV dailies. Current OP: The Ravagers. Legacy Surname: Falton
Collector's Edition, VIP, Founder, PTS 1.2 and 1.3, RotHC Pre-order, , SOR Beta Tester, and Pre-Order player.
Other characters: Ullonit (Agent), Ka'laana (Consular), Hasko (Trooper), Vítrial (Warrior), Massacha (Smuggler), Nassius (Bounty Hunter), Liralee (Knight).
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