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MLNO Reboot Contest 2: Show me the Summer Fun! VOTING

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Author Topic: MLNO Reboot Contest 2: Show me the Summer Fun! VOTING  (Read 1833 times)
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« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2011, 08:32:36 pm »

Take another rep for the double post, make sure you take a million from your own for this ** head game
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« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2011, 08:34:07 pm »

I have no clue; because this doesn't record when the votes were put in. >_> All we have here, is the fact that there's an unaccounted for vote, and two differing times that say opposite things.

Add that to the fact that I was offline when it was put up...

What do you want me to be; all knowing? Ever present?
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« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2011, 08:38:25 pm »

Stop acting like a two year old, Legodac, You should be ashamed of your behavior.

If the person who cast the last vote will come forward, that could take the place of a time stamp...
but at this point I am so disgusted that I may never post another contest here again.
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« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2011, 04:11:24 pm »

Do what you must, and no, I am not ashamed of acting like a two year old once in a while, I seem to remember times when a few others here with higher rep then me did exactly the same, I also recall going to bat for a few of those so called rug rats on occasion.

The rep means little to me now, but what does mean something is respect, not just for me, but for yourselves as well, something I feel could use a little brushing up in this place.

I am sorry for one thing though, the way this contest was supposed to go, just didn't. There were actually several things I saw that were simply just wrong. But the head came when someone, un-benounced to the Hierchy was a mystery.
The poll showed the final votes before midnight, and then the excuse came, don't know what's going on in the forum you claim to look after. So, if you can't find the voter, I''m out and tied for second, so be it, but how is this my problem, and how do you sleep at night?
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 04:17:30 pm by Legodac » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2011, 04:17:53 pm »

How exactly am I supposed to know everything going on all the time? I can't. It's simply not possible. I don't have my mind melded to the forum, regardless of what some people might think. I am not all knowing; and therefore, things like the missing voter; simply is unknown.

The thing is that you aren't showing respect; not by acting so childish over the fact that you have been told you didn't win, simply because there was a mystery voter, and the person running the contest noted that that voter was not there at contest's true end.
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« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2011, 04:43:17 pm »

The polls showed before midnight that I did win, that is a fact, another fact is, I didn't make the rules, I just followed them, yet low and behold, there are some new rules that you yourself can't even identify.

Last fact, what you did was wrong, and if I'm the only one who can see that, then I give up.

It would really be interesting to see what each of us would have here in numbers, numbers that didn't say REP, whatever that means? Numbers that instead stood for something, like integrity and honesty.

One last word, contest

I am now letting this go, and will not speak of it again
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« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2011, 04:52:28 pm »

As I said.. if the one who cast the last vote will speak up and confirm that I made a mistake, I will change it.
I will also accept a dated screenshot or other doc ( copy pasts) such as a PM if you copy pasted it into a PM.

I resent the idea that I have "done" something...  Why on earth would anyone do that?? If that was my intent, you would not have been front page featured for the Brick Fete recognition. Or the Brick Fete article! No one is persecuting anyone here.

You owe the entire forum an apology for the way you behaved yesterday.

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« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2011, 04:56:06 pm »

As I said, I will not apologize for behaving badly, that in itself is at least admitting "I" know the difference.

Are we having fun yet?
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 04:57:37 pm by Legodac » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2011, 05:02:23 pm »

So you acknowledge you're breaking rule; yet won't own up for it? Rules apply to everyone; people who think they don't apply aren't magically exempt.
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I imagine new people coming to the forum expecting to see discussion about LEGO, only to see RPGs full of deranged characters and insane people talking about cheese and brains.
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« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2011, 05:03:08 pm »

What rule would that be?

I know, the one that says I'm supposed to accept everything the mods here say, no matter what. The one that doesn't allow me freedom of speech, the one that says I must always apologize when I'm told to, this is what you call respect.

I only submit to the fact that I lowered myself and sounded stupid.

Btw, in order to back up your side of the argument, you might consider modifying the top of the page

Day at the Beach!    4 (26.7%)
Summer Garden    4 (26.7%)
The Cruise Ship    3 (20%)
Gone Fishing to Apple Bonsai Country    4 (26.7%)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 05:11:54 pm by Legodac » Report Spam   Logged

From Frostburgh they came,           the clones of the cold, through the tunnel in the frame,            to a tower so old
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« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2011, 05:18:43 pm »

No; the one where you disrespected MsRR and I(Multiple times might i add), with your comments like suggesting that I should be on 24/7, and I'm not a fit admin if not. And acting immature like this isn't helping anything; as some comments here have been more or less 'trolling' comments; comments posted to incite an inflammatory response.
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I imagine new people coming to the forum expecting to see discussion about LEGO, only to see RPGs full of deranged characters and insane people talking about cheese and brains.
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« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2011, 05:32:13 pm »

Granted, I forgot that, and yes, then I do apologize to you and MsRR for those indiscriminate comments, neither of you truly deserved them, nor did the rest of of the forum have to be burdened by my my ranting.
To all of them, most of all, I truly am sorry.

You are a good President Blade, That's why I'm the one who spent at least a few hours on your nomination page. The same goes for MsRR, a friend that I forget far to often, sorry M.

But my coffee tin tunnel vision hasn't subsided, and never will, you owe me ten rep because I tied for first.
Period. End of story  Smiley

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From Frostburgh they came,           the clones of the cold, through the tunnel in the frame,            to a tower so old
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« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2011, 05:39:46 pm »

If that voter would step forward to say when he/she voted, everything would be fine. But again, all we have is an unknown voter, and the person whose running the contest saying that she did not see that extra vote at the time of the poll's close. You say that you copied and pasted the voting list from midnight; but you don't have the timestamp... All we're trying to say is that without a timestamp, that could have been done at any time; especially considering the first one was merely a quote, and was done late yesterday, not right after the polls closed.
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I'm a girl - I'm a lesbian.

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Blade is laughing ominously RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
The forum is a girl? 0_o
I imagine new people coming to the forum expecting to see discussion about LEGO, only to see RPGs full of deranged characters and insane people talking about cheese and brains.
I'm beet. I don't think I'll do homework tonight.
So, you're a vegetable? Tongue
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« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2011, 06:03:27 pm »

Whatever, I suggest locking the topic so we can put this to bed, My last post and belief will stand forever.
This problem is not mine, your own polls show I am tied for third. Just because you are unable to identify a voter does not mean that I should be the one who loses out.

If you want to do something, then do it, don't make un-seen excuses as to why your own forum made a mistake and make another lose out because you can't be here all the time.

The kettle is black, the results are on your own page, yet you still make excuses that should say nothing to me.

I'm here to stay, a good boy and Bricker, occasionally bad yes, but I will never bow to in-justice.

What you are doing compared to real life would be stepped and squashed so fast that you would never work in this town again, that's reality, but this is, as I often forget, a forum for the kiddies and should be treated as such.

Congrats to the winners eh  Smiley
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« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2011, 06:06:29 pm »

Actually, just to say, this would be like someone in real life slipping a ballot into a voting box after the voting period has already ended seemingly, which causes someone to get a win over someone else.

However; it's easier(Both on the person involved) to not award someone initially, and then award them what they deserve if it turns out that the vote was cast in time... Than to take it away after the fact for this reason. Do you understand that?
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Blade is laughing ominously RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
The forum is a girl? 0_o
I imagine new people coming to the forum expecting to see discussion about LEGO, only to see RPGs full of deranged characters and insane people talking about cheese and brains.
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« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2011, 06:22:06 pm »

Sure you want to go there eh?

Do you recall a pm I sent and asked who you just voted for after a post I made?
I made the post, you voted, so I assumed and right after that I pmed you asking who you voted for and why.
Do you remember your answer and this is my point.

Your answer was "I don't have to tell you", these were your words, why should they not apply to the mystery voter, who may in fact be Chris, the one who thanked me for saying nice things about Brickfete. Point is, you told me you don't have to tell who you voted for, I also don't remember reading in the rules of the contest that everyone should identify themselves.

Time to start thinking Blade, I am not wrong about this, nor do the dozens of people I have shown this to.
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From Frostburgh they came,           the clones of the cold, through the tunnel in the frame,            to a tower so old
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« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2011, 06:42:15 pm »

1 Chris did not vote.

2. I voted the first day.

3. Continued fighting and trolling WILL result in consequences.

The rules count for everyone, and you cannot put yourself above the rest of the members. We all follow the rules.
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« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2011, 06:42:25 pm »

When it comes down to this; when there are two sources saying opposing things, and one doesn't have proof, it is more or less required. Even if it's done in private, to someone running the contest.

Plus, I myself only said that because I didn't want things biased either way. Plus, you don't really know if I ever did vote, unless I said either way on one of the pages here. =P
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I'm a girl - I'm a lesbian.

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Blade is laughing ominously RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
The forum is a girl? 0_o
I imagine new people coming to the forum expecting to see discussion about LEGO, only to see RPGs full of deranged characters and insane people talking about cheese and brains.
I'm beet. I don't think I'll do homework tonight.
So, you're a vegetable? Tongue
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