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Video Game Review Topic

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Author Topic: Video Game Review Topic  (Read 1384 times)
The Truth
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« on: December 01, 2011, 09:25:46 pm »

Thought we already had one of these...guess not.
Anyway, I think it's obvious what this topic is for.
I'll start us off with a review of Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. (I'll do my best to avoid spoilers)

Skyward Sword, if for some reason you don't know, is the newest Zelda game, and is intended as a prequel to the series.

First Topic: Graphics.  I'll admit it, I thought I wouldn't like the graphics. I always preferred the realistic style of Twilight Princess. However, the graphics in Skyward Sword are very nice. The characters look human (at least, the human ones do), the character designs show emotion amazingly well, and the world design itself looks fantastic. I suppose there could be room for improvement (after all, the Wii isnt exactly famous for it's graphics), but the graphics overall are very nice. Rating: 9.5/10.

Second Topic: Music. I had high hopes for the music, since the Zelda games usually have epic soundtracks, and this is the first game to have an orchestrated soundtrack. And though the background music for some areas can be a bit too subtle, the plot-important music, the cutscene music, the boss music, and the character themes (Groose, by the way, has five themes) are all amazing. Rating: 8.5/10 to 9/10.

Third Topic: Controls. In general, the MotionPlus controls work great. Link really does do whatever you do, within reason. (Sometimes, the controls didn't properly detect when I went left, but that might just be because of my setup.) Each enemy has it's own way of holding weapons, so you can't just slash. You have to think, and move the remote properly. However, having to manually recenter the cursor all the time is a pain. Rating: 9/10.

Fourth: The Partner. Most Zelda fans still have nightmares about Navi, so I think it's important to review Fi, the partner. Now, Fi does have an annoying habit of repeating herself or stating the obvious (Master, I think you should go through that door), but at least she doesn't yell "HEY! LISTEN!" every few seconds. She has a real personality, and even though she supposedly has no emotions, she still has a sense of humour (just have her analyse a Bokoblin and you'll see what I mean). Her info on enemies is honestly useful, and also sometimes provides interesting facts or history about an enemy. Plus, she's a good singer and a great dancer. I think I still prefer Midna, but Fi is definitely better in some regards. I'd say she's the second best partner. Rating: Not rating this. (Not really possible)

Fifth: Plot. I won't go too much into this, as this plot is amazing and I don't want to spoil anything. Suffice to say, almost every character feels real, the plot ties into the rest of the series, and there are a lot of great twists. Rating: 10/10.

Sixth:  Sidequests. Yes, for the first time since Majora's Mask, a Zelda game has real sidequests! There aren't many, but they are usually pretty good, and they often reveal more about a character's personality. (After cleaning Pipit's house, come back the next night...) Some sidequests even have different ending options! Sadly, some of the sidequests are boring or frustrating (diving off a cliff a dozen times to get some baby's rattle...not fun). Rating: 8/10.

Seventh: Minigames. This is really hard to review. The plot-based minigames (finding Tadtones, the hard-but-epic Silent Realms, the minecart rollercoaster, and even the Stealth level) are usually fun, but the optional minigames (carrying pumpkins and a HORRIBLE harp minigame) are terrible. In fact, I say with complete honesty that I think the harp minigame is the worst minigame in history. Rating: Um...7/10?

Eights: Playtime. The game is advertised as having 50 hours of playtime. I think I'm up to about 90. Most games achieve length with large but empty areas, boring required sidequests, and so on. However, Skyward Sword does it with a great overworld that always has lots to do, a long plot that flows great, and (usually) fun optional sidequests. And then, if you finally beat the game....there's the Hero's Quest! Rating: 10/10.

Ninth: Difficulty. This game is the hardest 3D Zelda yet, but that's a very good thing. It's challenging without being frustrating. (Thankfully, it's not as hard as Zelda II.) And if the main game is too easy, beating it unlocks the much harder Hero's Quest! Rating: 9.5/10

Tenth: Bosses. The bosses in this game are easily the best in the series. They're all unique, they (usually) have a reason for being where they are, and you never know when one will show up. Several of them don't even have dungeons, and one of the dungeons has no boss. And two bosses, The Imprisoned and Ghirahim, show up three times, and each battle has a twist. Final Rating: 10/10

Final Topic: Groose. Rating: /10. What more is there to say? (OK, I'll be honest...I prefer Linebeck. But still, Groose is epic).

Final Rating: 97/100. What's keeping it from a perfect score? The harp minigame.

EDIT: Forgot to review the boss battles. sweatdrop And why the heck did I use Times New Roman font?!

ANOTHER EDIT: In case it's not clear, anyone can review a game in this topic.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 10:00:00 pm by The Truth » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 07:25:11 pm »

here's a number of "speed-reviews" to revive this topic:

Tomb Raider 2013:
Let me preface this by saying I haven't gotten all that far yet, I'm only two hours in yet. But you know what they say...first impressions matter.

Graphics: Beautiful, though I've noticed a number of minor clipping issues and the TressFX hair stuff doesn't work for me. 9/10.
Story: Seems very cliched so far. 2/10.
Controls: Not very responsive, especially for the mouse (might be because I have a touchpad, but other games work fine, so that's no excuse), and aiming the weapons is annoying. 3/10.
Music: 6/10. Meh.
Performance: Surprisingly good, even at high settings. 9/10.
Other: endless, frustrating quicktime events, too many cutscenes (often filled with quicktime events), the controls aren't always explained (and other times, it insists on explaining the control EVERY FREAKING TIME), and blood for the sake of blood. 0/10.

Final score: 2/10
Final Verdict: By this point, I'm praying the wolves eat Lara and put her out of my misery.


Graphics: A bit dark at times, and there's a weird bug with my GPU drivers that randomly makes things look like MissingNo, but overall amazing. 9.5/10
Music: A bit too subtle for my tastes. 5/10
Performance: Nice and fast, even at high settings. 8/10
Story: WOW. I did see one of the big twists coming (Did anyone actually trust Atlas?), but the other one...that blew me away. (Would you kindly?)
Controls: I got kinda frustrated that it kept talking about the "middle mouse button" that my computer doesn't have, but the controls are easy to reconfigure, and very responsive and accurate. 9/10.
Other: A few minor bugs (minor crashes, a few texture issues, and the settings sometimes reset) and an annoying popup that sometimes appears in the settings, but those are minor issues and easily resolved. 6/10.

Final Score: 9/10
Final Verdict: Would you kindly go play this awesome game?

Bioshock 2:
Graphics: A bit better than Bioshock's, but not too different. The texture issue is still there too.
Story: Compared to the original Bioshock, this is pretty...meh. Especially towards the end. 6/10
Music: There was music? 4/10
Performance: Laggier than the original. not too bad though. 7/10
Controls: Pretty similar to the original, though I much prefer the new hacking system. the new research camera isn't as good though, IMO. 8.5/10
Other: A ton of hard to fix crash issues, and that weird popup from the original is still there... And it has Games for Windows. 4/10

Final score: 7.5/10
Final verdict: not as good as the first Bioshock, but still worth the money.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 07:42:07 pm by The Truth » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2013, 09:20:40 am »

Do yourself a favour and get a stand-alone mouse for games; it will help you out a lot. =P Not only in reaction times, but also getting certain buttons like, oh, the scroll wheel and middle mouse button, which are not only good for gaming(Never play Portal 2 without a mouse), but also every day browsing. =P

As for reviews, I'll get to some; there are a lot of games I should review in the next little while. And I could probably fill up a page on my own once I get that Sonic Collection. =P
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« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2013, 01:33:17 pm »

I've beaten Portal 2 many times, easily, with only my touchpad. Tongue
And most touchpads have a scroll wheel built in.
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« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2013, 02:28:10 pm »

... I don't even know how that's possible, let alone how to react. =P But okay then. =P

Yeah, but I've used one of those; it's by no means 'accurate'.
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« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2013, 04:30:27 pm »

You must have a bad touchpad then, mine is 100% accurate and responsive in everything except Skyrim and Tomb Raider 2013.
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Quote from: Albert Einstein
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Other characters: Ullonit (Agent), Ka'laana (Consular), Hasko (Trooper), Vítrial (Warrior), Massacha (Smuggler), Nassius (Bounty Hunter), Liralee (Knight).
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« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2013, 04:52:25 pm »

It's kinda accurate for everything but the 'scrollwheel' emulation. And that's nine out of ten times because it doesn't separate it like on my old laptop. >_>

That said, I still wouldn't use it in high-action games, but that's my personal opinion. =P
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I imagine new people coming to the forum expecting to see discussion about LEGO, only to see RPGs full of deranged characters and insane people talking about cheese and brains.
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« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2013, 05:52:01 pm »

I prefer a mouse as well...
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« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2013, 06:36:56 pm »

I won't deny that a normal mouse is better, but saying "mice are better than touchpads" is not an excuse for poorly implemented touchpad controls.
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Quote from: Albert Einstein
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« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2013, 07:07:10 pm »

I am just highly unskilled at using the touchpad.. tho mine is allegedly multifunctional...
I have a HP Pavilion dv6-1100 dv6-1149wm LW264UAR 15.6"
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« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2013, 07:52:47 pm »

I'm not using it as an excuse, I'm just trying to say that you'll have more luck at turning cameras and such quicker with a mouse. Which is very useful in many a game. =P And now, a review, in anticipation of me getting the Sonic Hits Collection!

Sonic The Hedgehog (Sega Genesis):

Graphics: Well, for it's time, the graphics were amazing. They're 16 bit, and everything just seems very detailed for the time. Granted, since it was just the first game, they only got better as the games progressed, but I'm not reviewing all the genesis games here, am I? Wink
Anyway, the levels had very good designs; the colours were vibrant when they needed to be, and the backgrounds fit the levels very well, adding life to the game as well.  I give the graphics, for it's time, a 8/10. There's a reason for it being low even for it's time; I said I wouldn't talk about the other games; not that I wouldn't compare. =P

Story: The story was... Non-existent, to be honest. It was a case of 'it's all there in the manual', taken to the extreme. No 'cutscenes' except for the ending; and even then, there wasn't much. There were two endings, but there was very little change between them; if you got all 6 Chaos Emeralds, then there'd be flowers and Robotnik stamping his feet in frustration; if you didn't, then he'd be juggling the Emeralds you didn't get.
Factoring in the Manual, however, it had some more storyline. Basically, Dr. Robotnik, known in Japan(And everywhere now) as Dr. Eggman, captured all of Sonic's animal friends on South Island, and had them attempt to search for the 6 mythical Chaos Emeralds. Not standing for Robotnik's evil plans, Sonic the Hedgehog set off at the speed of sound to stop him, traveling through 6 zones, defeating the evil scientist in each. That's all the story, seriously. Due to this, I'll give the story a 5/10, but i'm not going to factor it in, since it wasn't really important anyway; the main goal was to go very, very fast.

Gameplay: This was the first game in the series; and it shows. The gameplay is good, but the tweaks in the games that came afterward would have been very nice for this game. Sonic's speed is capped; so even if you manage to go really, really fast, he'll subtly slow down until he's back at the capped speed. There is no spin dash, since that was only introduced(albeit in nerfed form) in Sonic CD. He can, however, roll into a ball on the ground still, so that's still an easy way to defeat enemies on the ground. Other than that, it's relatively normal; he has his spin jump attack, and the monitors are obviously around. You can get rings, and turn invincible, and even get a shield to take an extra hit. If you are hit without a shield, you lose all your rings, and if you're hit without any rings you lose a life.
Despite that, if you land of spikes, you lose your rings... however, if you hit the spikes again after that, even with invincibility frames, you instantly die. It's a glitch that's been fixed in most every version and game since, but it was a pretty big oversight at the time, and very likely caused a fair share of annoying deaths, since it was just not something you expected, since normally if something wanted to kill you that badly in games, it would just plain kill you in one hit. =P And since not even the lava in Marble Zone did that...
Another thing that might seem odd, if you play the games out of order, is that in this game, there is no Super Sonic at all. Sure, you can go through all the psychedelic special stages, and gather the 6 Chaos Emeralds... but wait, 6 Chaos Emeralds? Yes, that's right, there are only 6 Emeralds here. And since Sonic needs 7 to transform into Super Sonic, even if there was such a feature, Sonic would be unable to utilize it. And given the confusing mess that Sonic 2's Super Sonic is, it might be for the best. Overall, I'd give the gameplay a 7/10. It's not that the gameplay's bad; but the future games improved on the gameplay so much, that it's hard to go back to it unless you're playing a version that has the improvements, or you just plain want to see how well you do without them.

Music: I'm not sure what not to say here. The music is just plain awesome. From Green Hill Zone's calming music, to Marble Zone's... well, old-time sound, I guess; to Star Light Zone's awesome starry theme, the music in Sonic games is pretty much guaranteed to be awesome. Unless you're listening to music from Sonic Chronicles. In which case stop that. But yeah, too much that I'd have to say if I went too in depth, so let's just give this a 9/10 and move on.

Overall: While Sonic The Hedgehog is a great game; there's just no denying that the later entries did what it does, and did a much better job at it. I still say to give it a shot, however, I have to only give it a 7.5/10 due to it not aging quite as gracefully as it could have. But yeah, definitely give this game a play, even if only for it's music; and with the smartphone(And hopefully PC? D=) remake coming out relatively soon, you have the perfect opportunity to play this Genesis classic! Or, alternatively, if you have the PS3/Xbox 360 version of Sonic Generations, this is an unlockable in it. But not the PC version, because Sega decided PC versions shouldn't get bonuses like that.

Next up: Sonic The Hedgehog 2!

I'd review Sonic CD next, but I'm gonna wait to actually play it first. I'd think you'd get the better opinions that way. =P
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The forum is a girl? 0_o
I imagine new people coming to the forum expecting to see discussion about LEGO, only to see RPGs full of deranged characters and insane people talking about cheese and brains.
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The Truth
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« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2013, 09:20:28 pm »

Next review: Bioshock Infinite

Graphics: WOW. I spent easily ten minutes just watching the rain in the beginning. 11/10 (that said, do NOT use Ultra settings. they look the same as High, but can cause lag and overheating)

Music: Much, much better than in prior Bioshock Games. 8/10

Story: Ow, my head. I think I understand the basics, though I would have liked a bit more backstory on who "The Lady" and "The Gentleman" are. The ending is kinda depressing (in an uplifting way?), but makes sense. That said, the lack of morality decisions bugs me, even though it does fit with the game's theme of "Constants and Variables". (If I had been given the choice, I would not have beaten Comstock to a pulp and drowned him, though I admit it DOES all make sense given the ending.
Finally, many of the characters (For example, the leader of the Vox Populi) come across as a bit flat. (With the Vox Populi example, the leader needed a lot more development before her little plot twist happened.)
(Oh, and also, the ending shows the first two games in a new light...though it took a long reading of the TVTropes Fridge Brilliance page for Infinite for me to understand it fully.) the heck to I score the plot? Um...on a scale of one to ten, I'll give it an eggplant.

Controls: My only complaint is that Alt makes you walk super-slow. It's basically worthless, and you WILL hit it by mistake when trying to Dash (left shift, for the record).

Performance: It suffers from occasional hangs and has a very annoying sound stutter (the sound issue can be fixed by setting it to Vista compatibility mode). Load times are neither fast nor slow.

Other: I love listening to the conversations between "The Gentleman" and "The Lady".
I told you they'd come.
No you didn't.
Right, I was GOING to tell you they'd come.
But you didn't.
But I DON'T.
Are you sure that's right?
I was going to HAVE told you they'd come?
The subjunctive?
That's not the subjunctive.
I don't think the syntax has been invented yet.
It would have had to have had been.
had to have had been? That can't be right.

Final score: 9.7/10.
This is the score I gave it, will give it, would have given it, and give it now.

Burial at Sea score:
The only thing I'll say is this: it's fun, but I utterly loathed the ending. If anyone deserved a happy ending, it was Elizabeth. That said, that's obviously just my opinion.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 01:48:57 pm by The Truth » Report Spam   Logged

Quote from: Albert Einstein
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Try SWTOR free via this link and we both get prizes.

SWTOR info:
Server: The Harbinger. Name: Pythirr.
Class: Sith Inquisitor (Assassin). Alignment: Light Side V.
Level: 60! Legacy level: 50. Current planet:  Yavin IV dailies. Current OP: The Ravagers. Legacy Surname: Falton
Collector's Edition, VIP, Founder, PTS 1.2 and 1.3, RotHC Pre-order, , SOR Beta Tester, and Pre-Order player.
Other characters: Ullonit (Agent), Ka'laana (Consular), Hasko (Trooper), Vítrial (Warrior), Massacha (Smuggler), Nassius (Bounty Hunter), Liralee (Knight).
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« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2013, 11:21:23 pm »

Another Review (Someone else needs to write the next one):
Alan Wake

Well, it's not Bioshock, but it certainly has an awesome story. Bonus points for all the Lovecraft references. 9/10

Graphics: Quite impressive. I expected less. Tongue

Music: Music is very subtle in general (though you can rely on the soundtrack to alert you when a Taken is sneaking up behind you), and subtle music is fitting for a horror game. I'll give it a 7/10.

Gameplay: The camera takes some getting used to. (Tip: Alan is NOT the focus of the camera. Do not try to center the camera. Use the flashlight to guide you, NOT Alan). Taken battles are a bit too hectic, even in easy mode, and it's frighteningly easy to run out of ammo. And the platforming..well, expect to fail. A lot.  7/10.

Performance: No lag whatsoever!

Other: I love all the background stuff. You can turn on the TV and watch episodes of the Twilight Zo-er, I mean, "Night Falls", or turn on the radio and hear what's going on around the town. Really makes the place feel real.
Also, Barry is just plain awesome. Comic relief characters can be annoying, but in this case, it's done very well.

DLC: ...and the goodness couldn't last. The DLC is hard to trigger (you can't access it from the main game, you have to search the Chapters menu), the difficulty is much higher, with LOTS of frustrating flashlight themed battles and awkward platforming, and the story isn't as good. Still, it's extra stuff, and the Collectors Edition Extras are quite cheap. 6.5/10.

Overall rating: Is it a good game? Absolutely. Is it worth the price ($30 plus the DLC price, I think)? I can't be sure. I'll give this a 7/10.
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« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2013, 10:07:23 am »

Mid-game Review:

Etrian Odyssey IV

Story: The story, surprisingly, isn't the most important part for this RPG. In it, you're a traveler, headed to a giant tree named Yggdrasil. To do so, you need to get in an airship, and fly across different lands, heading into dungeons, and doing stuff. It isn't the most complex plot; but for this game, it works. I'm not gonna say much more, partly because I haven't experienced everything, and partly because I dislike spoiling stuff as much as the next guy. =P 8/10

Graphics: The graphics are pretty cool; the environments are pretty well thought up, and while not pushing the capabilities, the graphics themselves are pretty good. It's also a mailbox style Turn Based RPG, so you're fighting in a screen that's first person, basically, with a shot of your character to the side of the menu when it's their turn. 8/10

Music: This music is awesome. if you don't believe me, go listen to some of the boss music, especially the ones for the sub-bosses. That theme is just pure awesomeness, and really gets you pumped up for the fight. ^_^

Gameplay: This is where the game shines. From first glance, it looks like your typical Dragon Quest-style adventure; hit a button, hit the enemy, repeat. Of course, then you level up, and find you can choose what skills you want to get, when, with some restrictions. Then you advance in the story and find out you can get awesome burst skills, which can easily turn the tide, not unlike Limit Breaks from Final fantasy. Then you realize you can get sub classes for your party. Oh; but before all that, you stare in awe, as you realize you can make your own freaking party. Choose from, I'd say, 9-12 different classes, select one of four portraits(Which have two colour schemes each), and name them whatever you want. You can even have five people the same on your party; but I recommend having a lot of variation, and especially a Medic. Medics are amazing here.

Of course, I haven't even gotten to the caves and dungeons yet. They're all maze-like, and explored in first person mode... But; you don't have to wander around aimlessly, as it has an awesome map system. Find a secret? Mark it with an icon. Wanna backtrack? Map out the way, and mark it with arrows. Wanna streamline grinding(Yes, there is some grinding. If you can't do something, you likely just need to train more.)? Auto-pilot can help you there. Also, for battles, there's an auto-fight ability, which can either just help with not having to select 'fight' all the time for normal fights, or can pretty much reduce grinding to hitting L and A at odd times, while you browse a site.

I would not hesitate to call this one of the best dungeon crawlers I've seen. =) 10/10

DLC: There is none, but there are QR codes that Atlus has released, that basically act as free on-disc DLC, in a way. Emphasis on free. =P 10/10

Overall: This game is awesome. No, wait, this game is PURE awesomeness. Go get it if you can find it. 9/10

And yes, I forgot to review all the Sonic games, but that's partly because I got all the Sonic games. CD's review is coming whenever I actually drop my OCD-ness regarding it, and just finish it without worrying about Time Stones. =P
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« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2013, 06:32:02 pm »

Game being rated: Senran Kagura Burst

Graphics: so/so. It was made two years ago, and it does show in the models. But the cutscenes and anime sequences are high quality. 7/10

Music: Some of the best video game music. My favourite is Haruka's non-transformed theme. I like Asuka's theme too, even if it does make me think of square-dancing. 9.5/10

Story: Surprisingly, the story is really good. The original storyline, for Hanzo side, is a bit generic, but the writers went all-out for the Hebi story - it's funny, the characters seem real, and it gets really, really dark. The only real issue is that the Hanzo and Hebi stories clash at points - one story implies the characters just met, while the other mentions them being friends for years. it also makes it a bit confusing who wins what battles, and totally changes one of the main plot points. In Hanzo side, Haruka steals the scroll and Hibari goes to Hebi to recover it. In Hebi side, Dougen hypnotizes Hibari into bringing him the scroll and joining Hebi. Aside from those little conflicts, however, the story flows nicely. 8.5/10

Gameplay: Extremely face-paced beat-em-up style. If you're not getting 500+ hit combos, you're doing it wrong.
Each character is unique, so there's a bit of a learning curve with each character.
The game forces you to use all the characters, which is usually good..unless it forces you to play a character you're bad at. I for example am terrible with ranged characters, so playing Yagyu was painful for me. 9.5/10

Performance: Minor lag in the hub zone, but the stages themselves are lag-free.

Voice-acting: The localization team kept the original Japanese voiceacting, which was a good decision. 10/10

Translation: XSEED seems to have been slightly lazy with the translation, with some grammar/punctuation errors and seemingly random changes. "Itadakimasu", which basically is like saying Grace, somehow turned into "rub-a-dub, thanks for the grub", for example. But the plot is still coherent and the issues are not distracting. 8/10

Price: Burst is actually two full-length games in one - an updated version of the original Senran Kagura, and Burst, the "sequel". So yeah, $30 is a pretty good price.

Replayability: Each stage is fairly short, and you'll need to run them all multiple times. Each character has their own ranking when finishing a stage, so even if you got an A ranking on one character, you can still go for the A rank on all the others. Plus, there's apparently a reward for finishing every stage in Frenzy Mode, but since Frenzy Mode is really hard, I don't know what the prize is.

Other Features: The dressing room feature is kinda silly, but it can still be fun to mess around with. ...I gave all the characters giant glasses and a piece of toast.

Other: There is a very good chance that I am crushing on Haruka. I would say 100%.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2013, 06:40:34 pm by The Truth » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2014, 09:16:21 pm »

Review: Transistor

Graphics: Like Supergiant's previous game, the graphics are astoundingly beautiful, especially when you take into consideration that it's primarily hand-painted. It really gives personality to the character(s) and the images you get shown are amazing. You can tell they were made with care, since they are so beautiful.

Music: It exceeds the quality of Bastion's music, in my opinion. It's amazing. Not only for how enjoyable they are to listen to, but because of their story significance, too. The vocal tracks are especially stunning. They each have something to do with the plot of the game, and once you've played the game you can probably pick up on what the lyrics of them are about. Bastion's vocal tracks weren't really like that, were they? Asides from Setting Sail, Coming Home.

Voice-Acting: Primarily being Logan Cunningham again, it was superb. His voice this time is much more relaxed but still retains the personality he managed to pull of in Bastion. He does a brilliant job, especially in certain parts where... well, I'll just say that the narrator of this game is more with you than narrating you.

Gameplay: This is where the game shines, IMO. There are 16 functions. There are four active slots. Four passive slots. Eight upgrade slots. Each function does something in each. They do something different depending on whether they're in an active slot, passive slot, or upgrade slot. The game actively encourages you to experiment with function combinations, since each time your health goes down to 0, one of your functions is 'overloaded' and unusable for a while. There are some really powerful combinations, and some not-so-powerful combinations. For example, Crash() on its own does 50 damage and temporarily stuns enemies. As an upgrade, it will make other functions stun enemies. As passive, it will reduce incoming damage by 25% and prevent you from being slowed. When upgraded with Spark(), it splits into three lines which do 25 damage each. Meaning it does more damage the closer you are but also has wider range but less damage on a single target in other cases. Jaunt() is dash. With Breach(), it'll do damage. There are so many combinations in this game I haven't even found them all, and you can find your own playstyle. Not to mention the variety of enemies makes you think. A Younglady, for example. will force you to either try and one-hit kill or else, they will teleport after getting hit to somewhere else. You also have to collect cells enemies drop before they respawn. Also, the final boss is a very excellent change of pace.

Replayability: Tons of it, due to the randomised enemy set up in recursion mode and the extra functions you get, not to mention the door challenges.

Story: The story. Like Bastion, it isn't immediately obvious. But it isn't directly entirely told to you either. You have to figure it out after putting together pieces from the Transistor's lines, the lore you unlock by using functions, and the reports of others. For some, this is a huge turn off and some may not understand it.

Still though, Transistor is the kind of game that will appeal to some people but turn others away. It's not going to engross everyone. I rate it 9/10, minus 1 due to how some may be turned off of it and how some may not understand its story.
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« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2014, 01:43:06 pm »

Game being rated: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies

Graphics: Pretty awesome. This game has the #1 best animation of a man on a segway crashing through a door. 8.5/10

Music: Very good. My favorite themes are the Phantom's theme (don't look this up unless you're willing to risk spoiling his identity) and Simon Blackquill's theme. 9.5/10

Story: Amazing. The story is very well written, and all the characters are interesting. The humor is good as well. 10/10

Gameplay: A bit too much hand-holding, but still enjoyable. I preferred the courtroom scenes to the investigation scenes, but that was just because I love Blackquill. 8/10

Voice-acting: The shouts of "OBJECTION!" "HOLD IT!" and "SILENCE!" are all great. However, the voiceacting in the anime cutscenes is pretty awful (except L'Belle, his voiceactor did a pretty good job.) 3/10

Other: The witness breakdowns are a sight to behold, from a bomb squad detective smashing his head repeatedly into an active bomb, to an astronaut activating his parachute and getting stuck on the ceiling. And the twist at the end was definitely unexpected. Plus, Simon Blackquill is one of the best prosecutors in the series so far, aside from Godot.

DLC: The DLC case is enjoyable and well made. Worth the price. It also has two utterly bizarre (but funny) cutscenes and one of the strangest witness breakdowns ever. Plus you get to cross examine an Orca.

Final score: 9/10
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 01:47:01 pm by The Truth » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2014, 02:09:16 am »

Game being rated: Psychonauts

Graphics: Quite good, though unusual style, almost looks like claymation. 8/10

Sound: Awesome, awesome music. 10/10

Voice Acting: Quite well done. Every character has a fitting voice and is well done. 9.5/10

Level Design: Each level has its own "gimmick", so if one level is badly done, it can be pretty bad. Thankfully, that's not a worry here. The Waterloo World can be a little annoying if you get lost, but all the levels  tend to be very fun. My favorite level is probably the same as everyone else's: The Milkman Conspiracy.

Gameplay: The controls can be a bit awkward at times, and the camera isn't that great, but for the most part the gameplay is good. 6.5/10

Story: I want to watch a Tim Burton movie of this.

Verdict: 9/10
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« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2014, 06:40:17 pm »

The Stanley Parable Review.

Right this way, right this way. You are here for the Stanley Parable review, are you not? Perfect! We are still setting it up, but that's alright. Now, do you want it right now, or later? Now, huh? Well then, let us begin with THE STANLEY PARABLE REVIEW. ... Hello? People? THE STANLEY PARABLE REVI-

Graphics: Typical for a Source engine game, yes, yes, but it has its even better upsides! Especially when you find the SECRET STUFF.

Sound: While there aren't too many instances of music in the game truly, the sound effects and the music that is there is very nice. Plus, it isn't totally necessary either.

Voice: Especially when you have this, the voice acting! The voice acting is one of the best parts of the game, and it is not an overstatement to say it is some of the best voice acting in recent years. Especially... when the narrator... gets sad...

Gameplay: The controls are what you'd find in a FPS game nowadays... Except you can't jump. Which is too bad when you want to jump to explore a bunch of things.

Story: 15+ endings. Should keep you occupied. That is all I will say about it, however.

Overall: I rather enjoyed this, though I was surprised that it hadn't even thought of all possible choices, as some things I did seemed to not trigger endings, even when I expected them to. But with as many endings as it already has, that didn't matter to me much, and it was pretty fun of a story!
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« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2014, 11:14:42 pm »

Game being rated: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

Graphics: Uses just a few sprites per character, like the previous Ace Attorney games. If you like that style, the art is as good as ever, and the characters are certainly...unique as ever. I laughed out loud when I first saw Spark Brushel's face, and the "tell" of the final villain is...horrifying. In a good way. However, the video segment (Prosecutor Klavier's concert) didn't age that well...though seeing his guitar spontaneously catch fire is still funny.  8/10.

Music: As usual for an Ace Attorney game, the music is awesome. My favorite is "Forgotten Legend", Phoenix's theme. ( 9/10

Story: This may just have the best story out of the entire series. It's filled with well-written twists, unique characters, and the most hate-able villain the series has ever had, even moreso than Dahlia Hawthorne from the previous game. You'll have to have a good memory though, since everything from the first, third, and final cases turns out to be connected. And it is AMAZING.

Gameplay: I missed the Magatama system (until you play as Phoenix at the end) and Apollo's "perceive" ability isn't as good (for example, in one, you have to notice the witness swallow as she says a single word. In another you have to see a witness sweat. It gets annoyingly tricky to spot the tells), but it's all worth it for the final villain's awesomely disturbing tell. The investigation segments are fun and the trials are as great as ever.  9/10

Other: Witness breakdowns are as wonderful as ever. The final villain's breakdown even manages to surpass that of the Phoenix Wright trilogy's main villain (when Phoenix managed to send Dahlia Hawthorne to Hell purely with an awesome speech), and taking that villain down is amazingly satisfying. The other breakdowns are good as well - one witness gets smacked in the face by his own hair, and another somehow manages to levitate a bowl of borscht with pure rage.

And as usual, the dialogue is wonderfully snarky and funny. The Judge, of course, takes the cake with his usual...oddness ("no, your Honor, please don't lick that..."), and the banter between Trucy and Apollo is great.

Final score: 9.5/10
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 11:20:23 pm by The Truth » Report Spam   Logged

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Collector's Edition, VIP, Founder, PTS 1.2 and 1.3, RotHC Pre-order, , SOR Beta Tester, and Pre-Order player.
Other characters: Ullonit (Agent), Ka'laana (Consular), Hasko (Trooper), Vítrial (Warrior), Massacha (Smuggler), Nassius (Bounty Hunter), Liralee (Knight).
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