The Truth
Ace RPG Master
Emote Manager
MLNO Reputation 100
Team: No Team
Purpose: Flower Garden 2/3, now on my DeviantART!
Posts: 14365
Yes, my Lord.
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The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. Try SWTOR free via this link and we both get prizes. SWTOR info: Server: The Harbinger. Name: Pythirr. Class: Sith Inquisitor (Assassin). Alignment: Light Side V. Level: 60! Legacy level: 50. Current planet: Yavin IV dailies. Current OP: The Ravagers. Legacy Surname: Falton Collector's Edition, VIP, Founder, PTS 1.2 and 1.3, RotHC Pre-order, , SOR Beta Tester, and Pre-Order player. Other characters: Ullonit (Agent), Ka'laana (Consular), Hasko (Trooper), Vítrial (Warrior), Massacha (Smuggler), Nassius (Bounty Hunter), Liralee (Knight).
Definitely not Swedish. 
The Truth
Ace RPG Master
Emote Manager
MLNO Reputation 100
Team: No Team
Purpose: Flower Garden 2/3, now on my DeviantART!
Posts: 14365
Yes, my Lord.
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The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. Try SWTOR free via this link and we both get prizes. SWTOR info: Server: The Harbinger. Name: Pythirr. Class: Sith Inquisitor (Assassin). Alignment: Light Side V. Level: 60! Legacy level: 50. Current planet: Yavin IV dailies. Current OP: The Ravagers. Legacy Surname: Falton Collector's Edition, VIP, Founder, PTS 1.2 and 1.3, RotHC Pre-order, , SOR Beta Tester, and Pre-Order player. Other characters: Ullonit (Agent), Ka'laana (Consular), Hasko (Trooper), Vítrial (Warrior), Massacha (Smuggler), Nassius (Bounty Hunter), Liralee (Knight).